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Schoolgirl with the 'worst spinal curvature' doctors had ever seen can do the splits again after 11-hour operation
Is one of the most common drugs prescribed during pregnancy safe for your baby?
Number of young women being diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer nearly doubles in 30 years
Why being negative is good for your health: Pessimists are more likely to live longer
Caffeine is so dangerous that it should be regulated like alcohol and cigarettes, warns leading expert
Girl, 7, rushed to hospital with stomach pains stuns doctors when they discover a tumour the size of a GRAPEFRUIT on her ovary
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Schoolgirl with the 'worst spinal curvature' docto...
Is one of the most common drugs prescribed during ...
Number of young women being diagnosed with aggress...
Why being negative is good for your health: Pessim...
Caffeine is so dangerous that it should be regulat...
Girl, 7, rushed to hospital with stomach pains stu...
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