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Depression linked with sleep breathing problems, study finds
Hillary dares to bare! Clinton meets King of Saudi Arabia... and doesn't hide her ankles
Court orders Egypt to ban porn websites to protect its 'society and values'
Sugar causes Cancer!
Postpartum depression tied to domestic violence
5 medical tests every woman needs
Too much sitting linked to shortened lives
Double HIV infection could be foundation for HIV vaccine
It's only rock 'n' roll but I like it: Student Eugenie reunited with long-distance love Jack Brooksbank at McCartney gig
One-a-day heart pill to stave off stroke is given the green light
What no bling? Beyoncé takes delivery of a white vintage style cradle for baby Blue Ivy
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How to Quickly Boost Your Testosterone
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Depression linked with sleep breathing problems, s...
Hillary dares to bare! Clinton meets King of Saudi...
Court orders Egypt to ban porn websites to protect...
'Osama was living in some version of the Kardashia...
Sugar causes Cancer!
Postpartum depression tied to domestic violence
5 medical tests every woman needs
Too much sitting linked to shortened lives
Double HIV infection could be foundation for HIV v...
It's only rock 'n' roll but I like it: Student Eug...
One-a-day heart pill to stave off stroke is given ...
What no bling? Beyoncé takes delivery of a white v...
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The benefits of testosterone pellet therapy
Sleeping less hurts your heart and your performance
Report: US Cancer rates in the U.S. continue to fa...
Jet Blue meltdown: What causes a person to suddenl...
Overweight baby girls at increased risk of develop...
Bride-to-be, 32, dies of ovarian cancer 90 minutes...
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Beef patties recalled in western US amid E. coli f...
Panic attacks almost ended my TV career, says Dayb...
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'Women will have so much choice about when to have...
'Forever grateful': Former vice president Dick Che...
Father donates sperm to help son and daughter-in-l...
Wills chills with Kate: Prince celebrates reunion ...
Why your first marriage has a 50 percent chance of...
ADHD in Marriage and Romantic Relationships Many ...
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Women who cut out red meat 'twice as likely to suf...
About Half of First Marriages Don't Last 20 Years
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Words of Wellness: ‘You Can Heal Yourself’
Having sex after a heart attack
Any word on if Diem is interested in doing another...
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White rice increases diabetes risk, scientists say
Dutch extend warning on French breast implants
Breast Augmentation - As Seen On Housewives Of NJ
Pregnant Kourtney Kardashian parades bump (and her...
Gorilla mum Melina cradles her newborn baby… but n...
Menopause really does cause 'brain fog' as scienti...
The less you sleep, the fatter you become: Tiredne...
Health panel: Pap tests needed only every 3 years
The surprising health benefits of beer
New data fuels debate over prostate cancer screening
Mums-to-be warned exposing babies in the womb to m...
Off the menu: Schools can now opt out of serving '...
Repeat C-section may be safer option for moms, babies
Massage proves to have medical benefits
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Holocaust cousins who last saw each other in Ausch...
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Progress, no big breakthrough, in hunt for HIV cure
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37-pound tumor removed from woman's stomach
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