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Rise of the high-flying singletons: Women are more likely to pursue top careers if they fear they might not find a husband
Electronic cigarettes 'DON'T help fight addiction and cause harm to health'
Eat more, not less' Volumetrics diet tops new ranking for best weight-loss plan - and Nineties favorite Slim Fast is not far behind
Keep your smile party-ready WWW.NATURALHEALTHY.CO
Is it love at first sight? Or just lust?
Pregnant women who see the hygienist reduce their risk of a premature birth by a third
The man with the bionic ear: Pioneering implant placed under the skin could restore hearing for thousands
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How to Quickly Boost Your Testosterone
A re you starting to lose your stamina? Do you find it more difficult to feel energetic and excited? Maybe you're feeling a sense of fat...
Some drinking tied to longer life post-breast cancer
Women with breast cancer who had a few alcoholic drinks per week before their diagnosis were slightly less likely to die from their can...
Now MEN get a post-pregnancy glow: New fathers feel more attractive after their partner gives birth
Scientists at University of California-Santa Barbara discover men's self-image hugely boosted after birth of their baby One theory sugg...
The Florida county where police post 'sexual predator' road signs outside homes of convicted rapists and child molesters
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How to Boost Your Testosterone
How to Boost Your Free Testosterone Y ou're no longer a 'twenty-something.' And you may be noticing some changes. Maybe...
Even a little exercise spells big help for heart
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Women really do have smaller brains... but they use them more efficiently than men
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AIDS specialists release 'road-map' for HIV cure
For years it seemed hopeless. Now the hunt for a cure for AIDS is back on. International AIDS specialists on Thursday released what ...
Rapid HIV treatment points to 'functional cure' for AIDS
Treating people with HIV rapidly after they have become infected with the virus that causes AIDS may be enough to achieve a "functi...
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Rise of the high-flying singletons: Women are more...
Electronic cigarettes 'DON'T help fight addiction ...
Eat more, not less' Volumetrics diet tops new rank...
Keep your smile party-ready WWW.NATURALHEALTHY.CO
Is it love at first sight? Or just lust?
Pregnant women who see the hygienist reduce their ...
The man with the bionic ear: Pioneering implant pl...
No needle. No scalpel. No scars. But can you reall...
Folk remedy fit for a princess: Duchess of Cambrid...
Fears for Hillary Clinton as she is rushed to hosp...
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It's true! Kanye and I are expecting a baby... we ...
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Benefits of Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk WWW.HEALTHYBARN...
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The breast cancer patients undergoing reconstructi...
First-Date Sex May Harm Couples WWW.HEALTHYBA...
Feel Better About Your Post-Baby Body WWW.HEALTHY...
Smart new cancer drugs shrank my tumours by half i...
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Half of all British men will be likely to develop ...
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Dealing with low testosterone
It's not just the number of sperm that matters - t...
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Low testosterone with new lung cancer drug — if re...
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CDC report highlights some STDs on the rise
Men find women more attractive when they're at the...
Kate really IS feeling better: Pregnant Duchess wi...
Statins taken to lower cholesterol 'could help to ...
12-year-old girl accused of being pregnant really ...
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