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Boy loses two-thirds of skin after allergic reaction to ibuprofen
How IVF can kill your libido - and make you less happy in your relationship
Nevada has higher cancer rates than neighboring states
Doctors remove 28kg tumour which filled a WHEELBARROW from woman diagnosed as being obese
Exercise can ‘help cancer survivors beat depression’ during treatment and beyond
Flu jab 'can halve heart attack risk': Vaccine 'also cuts cardiac deaths and chances of stroke'
IUDs Increasingly Popular Form of Birth Control
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How to Quickly Boost Your Testosterone
A re you starting to lose your stamina? Do you find it more difficult to feel energetic and excited? Maybe you're feeling a sense of fat...
Some drinking tied to longer life post-breast cancer
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Now MEN get a post-pregnancy glow: New fathers feel more attractive after their partner gives birth
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The Florida county where police post 'sexual predator' road signs outside homes of convicted rapists and child molesters
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How to Boost Your Testosterone
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AIDS specialists release 'road-map' for HIV cure
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Rapid HIV treatment points to 'functional cure' for AIDS
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Boy loses two-thirds of skin after allergic reacti...
How IVF can kill your libido - and make you less h...
Nevada has higher cancer rates than neighboring st...
Doctors remove 28kg tumour which filled a WHEELBAR...
Exercise can ‘help cancer survivors beat depressio...
Flu jab 'can halve heart attack risk': Vaccine 'al...
IUDs Increasingly Popular Form of Birth Control
Green Tea and Cancer Prevention: New Clues
California couple welcome home 'healthiest set of ...
New test for Down's 'is safe and 100% accurate': B...
Dangerous herbal pills used to treat menopausal sy...
The woman who gave birth for the first time at 61 ...
Doctor cleared of malpractice after pregnant patie...
Legal abortion rate is down
Look into my eyes....and banish those hot flushes:...
Prozac pregnancy alert: Mothers-to-be on anti-depr...
Breast cancer-suffering man speaks out about disea...
HRT taken during menopause can protect women again...
PMT may be all in the mind (says a woman researcher)
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Running away
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Household chores can help IVF to succeed: Active l...
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Girl, 14, 'died from heart attack after just two c...
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Women heart attack victims 'twice as likely to die...
I Was a Teenage Vegan Who Ate Them Raw
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'smart bra' to detect early breast cancer
New 'smart' bra could detect breast cancer
Antidepressant use Doubles in the United States, S...
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Mothers are selling their BREAST MILK on Facebook ...
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How exercise could stop you craving the finer thin...
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Yet ANOTHER reason why sleep is so vital - missing...
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Regular aspirin use may reduce ovarian cancer risk
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Women's hearts 'get twice the benefit from fish oi...
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HIV death rates fall, but disparities remain, stud...
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Designer Apparel Liquidation Sale!
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Trying to have a baby? New formula predicts woman'...
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Is that little mole a big problem? Ask Doctor Mole...
Elizabeth Hurley dresses in pink every October
Natural remedies to combat diarrhea
Hospital apologises to mother for allowing a 15-ye...
Smoked salmon recalled after salmonella outbreak h...
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