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Sex to burn calories? Authors expose obesity myths
Supplement reduces risk of diabetes in pregnancy
15 million people worldwide had plastic surgery in 2011... with South Koreans most likely to go under the knife
It's the saddest thing I've ever been through': Beyonce opens up about her miscarriage for the first time
Going vegetarian can reduce your risk of heart disease by a THIRD
Cancer gene mutation linked to earlier menopause
Tips to stop snoring
How our 'stiff upper lip' hits cancer survival rates: Britons are dying needlessly because they refuse to seek help for early symptoms
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Blog Archive
Sex to burn calories? Authors expose obesity myths
Supplement reduces risk of diabetes in pregnancy
15 million people worldwide had plastic surgery in...
It's the saddest thing I've ever been through': Be...
Going vegetarian can reduce your risk of heart dis...
Cancer gene mutation linked to earlier menopause
Tips to stop snoring
How our 'stiff upper lip' hits cancer survival rat...
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Pregnant women should get whooping cough shots
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Cancer will no longer be 'a death sentence': DNA-b...
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