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Home Remedies for Anxiety

We should be able to take most worries in our stride without becoming unduly anxious but if we get to the point where we feel physically wretched, where problems loom terrifyingly in our minds by day and pursue us relentlessly into our dreams by night, it is time to take stock of the situation. Irrational anxiety may have a purely physical cause such as a poor diet leading to a deficiency of minerals and vitamins. Low blood sugar level or too many stimulants in the form of coffee, tea and cigarettes can also contribute to a feeling of impending doom. Inevitably the worse we feel the worse we become. Holding our selves taut and strung out with tension can create difficulties in breathing, it makes muscles ache, the jaw stiff, the neck rigid and we may suffer from stomach pains. We slump into a depressed posture which causes indigestion and constipation.
anxiety4 Home Remedies for Anxiety
Nervous tensions, stress and strain not only upset the digestive system but may also interfere with the hormonal balance of the body. We become tired, out faces become drawn and indented with anxious lines and we look and therefore feel doubly dreadful.
All the unpalatable platitudes which were meant to stop us feeling sorry for ourselves can be crystallized into several very commonsensical suggestions.
Take some regular exercise in which the mink has to become totally absorbed in what you are doing and thoughts cannot wander – a quick and unaccustomed jog around the block whilst your mind is busy beavering unhappily away will not do.
When an anxious, aggressive, fearful or negative thought burrows randomly into your consciousness briskly disperse it with a pleasant picture of your own choosing and work hard elaborating on that. Refuse to allow yourself to dwell upon beastly thoughts, especially those inflicted upon you, willy nilly, by the media. The days are gone when we might have collected the leaves of heliotrope in which we could wrap bay leaves and a wolf’s tooth to protect ourselves against cruel thoughts and unkind words. Relaxation or learning to relax, taking long controlled breaths, practicing yoga or meditation, swimming or walking with a purpose (bird watching, admiring other folks gardens) will all help to dispel anxiety. So will a long chat into a friendly ear. One of the best methods of relaxing is to have a massage or to visit a reflexologies and have your feet massaged – this is something that you can do for yourself at home and it will having your back, shoulders and neck massaged, especially if, with practice, you can manage to induce in yourself a trance – like state. I have heard it said that in order to achieve this one must turn one’s third eye inwards.
Essential oils are some of the best home remedies for anxiety or reducing tension. Use them in a carrier oil to massage the body or throw a few drops into a warm bath. The following are those most frequently recommended to relieve tension and stress; basil, marjoram, fennel, hyssop, rosemary, thyme, tarragon and sage. If the hormonal balance is affected both drinking sage tea and massaging with essential oil of sage are particularly effective. All of these herbs should be taken in tea and used lavishly in cooking too. Bergamot, chamomile, juniper, lavender, vervain and orange can also be used as essential oils in bath and massage and the herbs used in tea as a mild sedative and digestive. Coriander, geranium, neroli, cedarwood and frankincense are spicy healing oils which are particularly calming when used in the bath.
There are very few old – fashioned remedies to relieve anxiety beyond suggesting that one eats plenty of brown bread, wheat germ, molasses, honey, milk and oats. Self – help is by far the best home remedy for anxiety. Although not initially an easy answer, once you have learned the lesson it is always there for you to fall back on in a crisis and although habit – forming it is not detrimental to the health.
Home Remedies for Anxiety
Soothing drinks
* Warm milk and honey with a dash of cinnamon This is the best drink to take at night both to help you relax and to stave off insomnia.
* Honey Take by the spoonful or in hot water whenever tired and low.
* Hop tea Three hop cones or heads in 1 cup of boiling water taken the moment you begin to feel excessively tense is a marvelous remedy for anxiety and insomnia.
A Tea to Soothe and Heal the Troubled Spirit
25g (1 oz) each dried chamomile flowers,
linden blossom (lime flowers), hibiscus
blossoms and marigold flowers
15g (1/2 oz) each dried peppermint leaves and vervain
1 teaspoon whole fenugreek seeds
100 g (4 oz) Lapsang Souchong tea
Mix all the ingredients together and store in a dark airtight container. Use 1 teaspoon to 300 ml (1/2 pint) of boiling water in a tea pot and leave to stand for five minutes before straining and serving with a slice of lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey if liked. This tea calms turmoil and anxiety and also helps to clear a fuzzy head and upset tummy. One cup morning and night will sustain a feeling of well – being.
A Tea to Soothe the Nerves
1 teaspoon each grated dried valerian root and dried mint ½ teaspoon each dried chamomile and lavender flowers
600ml (1 pint) boiling water
Infuse the dry ingredients in the water for 15 minutes then strain and take 1 glass three times a day for one week only.
* Two tonic tea to take when feeling low Sip either 2 teaspoons of dandelion and 1 of basil infused in 600ml (1 pint) of boiling water or 2 teaspoons each of nettle, basil and Melissa infused in 600 ml (1 pint) of boiling water.
A Tonic Tea to Relieve Stress, home remedy for anxiety
Anxiety and Debility
1 tablespoon each fresh dandelion and nettle tops
1 teaspoon each fresh blackcurrant and borage leaves
600ml (1 pint) of boiling water
Steep the greenery in the water for five minutes. Strain and drink with lemon and honey.
* A good healthy breakfast Oats are particularly strengthening and calm the nerves, making them a very good breakfast for youngsters who are taking exams. Take 1 tablespoon of cold water and leave to stand for 12 hours. Blend with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of plain live yoghurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 well-washed grated apple and a few chopped nuts. Oats can also of course be eaten as porridge. If you cannot get your offspring to eat breakfast get them to take a handful or bar of oat health food with them to school. Muesli is another excellent breakfast and snack food.
The Nice Breakfast Food
450g (11b) porridge oats
450g (11b) fat juicy raisins
225g (8oz) wheatflakes
100g (4oz) wheatgerm
100 g (4 oz) mixed chopped nuts (not peanuts)
100g (4oz) crushed dried banana chips
100g (4oz) sesame seeds
50g (2 oz0 pumpkin seeds
50g (2 oz) sunflower seeds
Mix all the ingredients together and serve with chopped fresh fruit, stewed dried fruit, yoghurt or milk. This makes enough to last a family several weeks.
* Flapjack There are many really good recipes using oats, honey, dates, walnuts and so on. Not only and in every possible way is flapjack preferable to jam doughnuts but it is also an easily carried form of pure goodness – nourishing, sustaining and one of the few snacks to be recommended for eating before bed. Flapjack helps insomniacs and reduces the chance of nightmares, especially in children.
May be you’ve invited forty guests for a pot luck dinner and all of a sudden you’re beginning to wonder what you’ve gotten into. Your internal dialogue may sound something like this: “What was I thinking? I can’t handle this big a crowd! Besides, no one’s going to show up anyway. If they do, they’ll probably leave early because they’re bored. Have I bought enough wine. Is the house really clean enough?”.
Sound familiar? Nearly everyone experiences periodic bouts of anxiety and panic. It’s normal to feel frightened by life’s stresses-an upcoming job interview, meeting your in laws for the first time, or having a dinner party. But sometimes these emotions spiral out of control, causing your heart to pound and your mind to go blank. Panic makes you feel as though the worst is about to happen and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
There will always be times when you feel like you’re in over your head. But doctors have found that it’s not stress itself but how you react to stress that determines whether you’ll experience a little anxiety or a full-blown panic attack. Here are a few ways to give you a moment’s peace and put the brakes on panic and fear.
Take a deep breath . It sounds like a cliché, but taking deep, regular breaths is one of the best ways to keep panic and anxiety under control. People breathe very rapidly when they’re anxious – a symptom called hyperventilation. Rapid breathing actually reduces the amount of oxygen in the body, which makes you feel nervous and out of control. Slow, deep breaths, on the other hand, flood your body with oxygen, making you feel calmer. In addition, taking a few minutes to breathe deeply is like counting to ten; it gives you time to think and to put things in perspective, instead of merely reacting to emotions.
The next time you feel panic coming on, stop what you’re doing and take a deep breath. Breathe in slowly while counting to five. Hold the breath for one second, then slowly breathe out. Continue doing this for a minute or two. The surge of oxygen will help you feel calmer and more in control – and better able to handle the stress that’s bothering you.
Get a whiff of relaxation . Your nose is one of your most powerful weapons for countering anxiety and panic. Evidence suggests that certain scents can stimulate feelings of calm and relaxation. A whiff of lavender (dharu) or sandalwood incense, for example, can help take the edge off stress. So can the smell of a scented candle. Or you can simply sprinkle some cinnamon (dalchini) into a pot of boiling water. It will fill the air with a delicate, lovely smell that reminds many people of simpler, calmer times.
“B” calm. The B vitamins are nature’s stress relievers. Studies have shown the people who don’t get enough B vitamins in their diets may experience confusion, anxiety, or irritation. You can get a lot of B vitamins by eating a healthful diet. But when stress and anxiety are riding high, you may want to take a B-complex multivitamin, which will help fortify your emotional defenses.
Take some herbal relief. For thousands of years, people around the world have been finding emotional strength in their gardens, herbs such as chamomile (babunah), ginkgo, kava, valerian (jalakan), and St. John’s Wort may be as effective as some prescription drugs for imparting feelings of calm and well being. You can buy these healing herbs at natural food stores or from natural apothecaries. Many people prefer to buy dried herbs and make a tea. Some take herbs in capsule form. They can be as effective When taking herbal supplements, be sure to read the label carefully to ensure taking the proper amount.
Put water to work. When your emotions are running high and you feel as though you’re about to collapse, nothing is more soothing than taking a long, relaxing bath. Many people prefer their baths hot, but before you fill that tub full of steaming hot water, keep this in mind: Some experts believe that a lukewarm or slightly cool bath does a better job of relieving tension and anxiety. Fill the bath with water until it feels comfortable and soak for about twenty minutes, adding hot or cool water to keep the temperature constant.
Rub yourself the right way . Massage is one of the quickest ways to take the edge off panic and anxiety. There’s good reason for this. Massage improves the circulation, removes waste products like lactic acid from the muscles, and helps take your mind off stress. And, it just plain feels good. Even if you don’t feel like having a professional massage, it’s easy to take ten to fifteen minutes a day to indulge yourself in a little self-massage. Take a few moments to rub your neck. Rub your fingers across your scalp. Squeeze your shoulders, your thighs, and your calves. You can even try rolling a tennis ball along your arms to relieve tension, or roll a rolling pin on the long muscles of your upper legs. Doing this regularly helps lower stress and ease anxiety.
Walk off your stress . Many people, when they first start feeling anxious, put on their sneakers and head outside. Taking a long walk – or, if you’re athletically inclined, a jog or a bike ride – is one of the best ways to put the brakes on panic attacks. Research has shown that exercise can increase your tolerance to stress and make you more optimistic and upbeat. Walking, swimming, or even dancing several times a week will help you feel more confident and in control – and less vulnerable to anxiety.
Be careful what you eat . Just as some foods, like carbohydrates, can help you feel calm and relaxed, others can put your nerves on edge. When you’re feeling stressed, it’s good idea to avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can boost your anxiety levels. During high-stress times, you may want to drink soothing, non-caffeinated herbal teas or simple some ice water flavored with lemon or lime. You should also avoid sweets and eat more filling “comfort” foods, such as potatoes, pasta, or whole-grain breads.
Turn off the internal chatter . Many doctors believe that negative thinking can have a profound impact on how we feel. Unfortunately, negative thoughts are hard to avoid. We all get panicky from time to time. But many of us have the equivalent of little tape machines in our heads that are constantly playing irrational and negative messages: “I am losing control,” or “I’m so stupid, what was I thinking?” Sound familiar? If so, you can turn things around by changing what’s on the tape. Start “playing” positive messages: “I’m strong. I’m in control. I’m nervous, but that’s OK,” If you constantly replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll still experience stress and anxiety, but you’ll feel better able to handle them and this is the key to keeping panic under control.
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