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He kicked me first! Amazing video captures twins FIGHTING inside the womb
U.S. birth rate falls to record low due to drop in foreign-born women having children
CBS news anchor accidentally calls Prince William a 'douche' instead of a duke
Women Prefer Thin Over Macho,
Some 20 percent of women overwhelmed by cancer treatment options
Testicular cancer
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How to Quickly Boost Your Testosterone
A re you starting to lose your stamina? Do you find it more difficult to feel energetic and excited? Maybe you're feeling a sense of fat...
Some drinking tied to longer life post-breast cancer
Women with breast cancer who had a few alcoholic drinks per week before their diagnosis were slightly less likely to die from their can...
Now MEN get a post-pregnancy glow: New fathers feel more attractive after their partner gives birth
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The Florida county where police post 'sexual predator' road signs outside homes of convicted rapists and child molesters
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How to Boost Your Testosterone
How to Boost Your Free Testosterone Y ou're no longer a 'twenty-something.' And you may be noticing some changes. Maybe...
Even a little exercise spells big help for heart
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Rapid HIV treatment points to 'functional cure' for AIDS
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AIDS specialists release 'road-map' for HIV cure
For years it seemed hopeless. Now the hunt for a cure for AIDS is back on. International AIDS specialists on Thursday released what ...
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He kicked me first! Amazing video captures twins F...
U.S. birth rate falls to record low due to drop in...
CBS news anchor accidentally calls Prince William ...
Women Prefer Thin Over Macho,
Some 20 percent of women overwhelmed by cancer tre...
Testicular cancer
The cheeses saltier than a bag of crisps: Alarming...
Arguing parents can give a child teenage depression
Infected and unaware: HIV hitting America's youth
Study leaves US women with conflicting advice on m...
It's a boy, again, and again! Hospital delivers 19...
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Married cancer researchers are BOTH diagnosed with...
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Experts claim teenage girls should be able to get ...
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Could You Have ADHD? by Mehmet Oz, MD
Nashville, TN - Older teens and adults with attent...
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Miracle baby born with heart that beats OUTSIDE he...
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OB/GYNs back over-the-counter birth control pills
Washington - New Push For Most In US To Get At Lea...
Positive Thinking Could Lead to Healthier Behavior
The kitchen sponge is 200,000 times dirtier than a...
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Mom with rare autoimmune disorder thanks doctors
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Breakthrough cancer treatment could prolong life b...
From criticism over fashion choices to interfering...
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'Revolution' in prostate cancer treatment as scien...
Marijuana approved for recreation use in Colorado ...
FDA approves new arthritis drug
Science explains instant attraction
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