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Scientists reveal the uncomfortable truth behind the Desk Derriere (and how to beat it)
Simple blood test can detect breast cancer and lung cancer long before symptoms emerge
Dr. Manny: Plan B does not belong in schools
Man's failing heart heals itself before transplant
Hospitals Swap Cookies for Fruit in Crack Down on Junk Food
New Breast Cancer Clues Found In Gene Analysis
Katie Couric claims she almost DIDN'T reveal her six year battle with bulimia
Lindsay Lohan rushed to hospital with lung infection
More Americans now commit suicide than die in car crashes as miserable economy takes its toll
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How to Quickly Boost Your Testosterone
A re you starting to lose your stamina? Do you find it more difficult to feel energetic and excited? Maybe you're feeling a sense of fat...
Some drinking tied to longer life post-breast cancer
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Scientists reveal the uncomfortable truth behind t...
Simple blood test can detect breast cancer and lun...
Dr. Manny: Plan B does not belong in schools
Man's failing heart heals itself before transplant
Hospitals Swap Cookies for Fruit in Crack Down on ...
New Breast Cancer Clues Found In Gene Analysis
Katie Couric claims she almost DIDN'T reveal her s...
Lindsay Lohan rushed to hospital with lung infection
More Americans now commit suicide than die in car ...
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Birth Control Health Center
The Art of Relationships
IUDs, implants urged for teen girls' birth control
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Breast cancer among pregnant women on rise
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How to Handle Bad Sex
Our 'rent a womb' child from an Indian baby farm: ...
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German firm which invented birth defect drug Thali...
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