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It's finally over! After 536 days of bitter negotiations... Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries settle divorce
Does Weather Affect Joint Pain?
7 marriage mistakes even smart couples make
The rise of 'Tittooing': Women desperate for perfect nipples are having them TATTOOED on
The Florida county where police post 'sexual predator' road signs outside homes of convicted rapists and child molesters
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How to Quickly Boost Your Testosterone
A re you starting to lose your stamina? Do you find it more difficult to feel energetic and excited? Maybe you're feeling a sense of fat...
Some drinking tied to longer life post-breast cancer
Women with breast cancer who had a few alcoholic drinks per week before their diagnosis were slightly less likely to die from their can...
Now MEN get a post-pregnancy glow: New fathers feel more attractive after their partner gives birth
Scientists at University of California-Santa Barbara discover men's self-image hugely boosted after birth of their baby One theory sugg...
The Florida county where police post 'sexual predator' road signs outside homes of convicted rapists and child molesters
One Florida county is taking its duty to notify neighbors about sex offenders living in the community to the next level and posting red road...
How to Boost Your Testosterone
How to Boost Your Free Testosterone Y ou're no longer a 'twenty-something.' And you may be noticing some changes. Maybe...
Even a little exercise spells big help for heart
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It's finally over! After 536 days of bitter negotiations... Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries settle divorce
Marriage itself only lasted for 72 days Humphries NOT expected in court on Friday despite judge order to attend Kim will show up to see the...
Women really do have smaller brains... but they use them more efficiently than men
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Rapid HIV treatment points to 'functional cure' for AIDS
Treating people with HIV rapidly after they have become infected with the virus that causes AIDS may be enough to achieve a "functi...
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It's finally over! After 536 days of bitter negoti...
Does Weather Affect Joint Pain?
7 marriage mistakes even smart couples make
The rise of 'Tittooing': Women desperate for perfe...
The Florida county where police post 'sexual preda...
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Salad days are on the way! Spring leaves and edibl...
Breast cancer survival predicted by computer model
Robotic surgery eases recovery for breast reconstr...
Men who wear KILTS are more fertile - because thei...
Having a baby HELPS your social life: Women make a...
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British women know more about intimate beauty trea...
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Some drinking tied to longer life post-breast cancer
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Now MEN get a post-pregnancy glow: New fathers fee...
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Make stress a stranger - get outside!
How to Boost Your Testosterone
When less romance is more
Britain's Iron Lady is dead: Former UK prime minis...
Keep taking the statins or you might risk a heart ...
Is There a Pill for Women's Sex Drive?
Testosterone doesn't boost functioning in older men
New breast cancer drug prolongs life
Your breastfeeding problems—solved
Dr. Manny: Judge is placing young women in danger ...
Morning-after pill now available to teens without ...
Breastfeeding This information in Spanish (en espa...
President Obama calls the California attorney gene...
More couples living together outside of marriage
Just add water: Women could have their eggs freeze...
The great cancer betrayal: Number of treatments on...
New radiation therapy for cancer patients that has...
Suing doctors over a miracle baby is just plain wrong
Am heavily addicted to tranquilizers, try strippin...
On the way, a sleeping pill that promises no side ...
Britain's bedrooms are getting noisier because of ...
Indian engineers invent 'anti-rape' underwear whic...
One in FIVE teen births are to mothers who already...
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